Posts Tagged ‘Angry Birds birthday party


Angry Birds party!

Asher had an Angry Bird birthday party! It was so much fun to plan!    Here is the link to James’ awesome short video he put together of the big day!

Here is the party in pictures!!

I made Angry Bird balloons using a template I found online.  Click the picture for a link.  (I drew my own orange and green Angry Bird faces though.)

For party favors, all the guests got sling shots! Inside the golden eggs, they got rubber bird balls they could use with their sling shot!

I bought all these eggs at Easter time for his party!

You can get Rubber Birds Bouncing Balls (pack of 12) here.  And sling shots here.

<“Foam “Wooden” Blocks“> found here.

While guests arrived, the birthday boy and guests jumped on the trampoline!

Asher’s sisters had an Angry Bird tattoo parlor too!

Before we started our first activity, James showed all the kids the golden eggs that they could win during a game. Little did the kids know who was behind them…

First activity was using “bird eggs” (Cascarones or confetti eggs) to throw at each other. I bought 6 dozen at Easter! 🙂

Next up was pinata time!

Then it was time for (Angry Bird) pizza!

After pizza, was the sling shot game! James and my brother built a 3 foot tall sling shot and we blew up 60 lime green balloons to use as “piggies”! James set up the boxes that the pigges were to be in with pins. I painted mini dodge balls with angry bird faces, and when a child slung a ball at the piggie balloon, the balloon would fall back on the pins and POP!

A pack of three mini dodge balls was $9 at HEB

Uh oh! The piggies are back and they’ve got our golden eggs!!!

Time to get those piggies!

See the blue Angry Bird flying?

Bam! Knocked out the top piggie!

Asher going for another turn! Every time a child knocked a piggie down, they got a golden egg with a prize inside!

We had a few crazy Angry Birds that had a little too much energy! LOL

It was getting hot outside, so we took a break for some cupcakes and ice cream!!

I love the sparkler candles! My kids are never too sure about them…

My kids always love the party blowers!

present time!!

After presents, the kids went back out to do some more damage to the piggies with the sling shot…this was what was left!

Piggie carnage! Lots of eyeballs and snouts!

My photography business!

May 2024